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Röhm News

Vitesco Technologies and ROHM cooperate on silicon carbide power solutions

The powertrain business area of Continental Vitesco Technologies, a leading supplier in the field of vehicle electrification, and ROHM Semiconductor, a leading company in SiC power semiconductors, have recently signed a development partnership, beginning in June 2020.

Fraunhofer News

Mass production of individualized products

How can mass production methods be applied to individualized products? One answer is to use a combination of digital manufacturing technologies, for example by integrating digital printing and laser processing into traditional manufacturing processes. This paves the way for in-line product customization. Six Fraunhofer institutes have pooled their expertise to take the new process to the next level.

Toshiba News

Toshiba Adds Automotive Display Interface Bridge ICs for In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems

TOKYO—Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (“Toshiba”) has added “TC9594XBG” and “TC9595XBG,” new interface bridge ICs for automotive In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems, to its lineup of display interface bridge ICs. Sample shipments start this month.

Toshiba News


Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation (“Toshiba”) has launched “TPD4162F,” a high-voltage intelligent power device (IPD) housed in a small surface mount package, designed to drive motors in products such as air conditioners, air purifiers and pumps. Mass production shipments start today.

Anritsu News

Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A Supports USB4TM Receiver Test

Anritsu Corporation is pleased to announce the start of sales of its USB4™ receiver test solution using the company's Signal Quality Analyzer-R MP1900A in combination with automation software from Granite River Labs or Teledyne LeCroy to control a connected oscilloscope and implement tests meeting the latest USB4 standards.

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